Welcome To Your Students' Association

If you're a student at the University of the Highlands and Islands or one of it's Academic Partners, then you are one of our members.

The Highlands and Islands Students' Association is a membership organisation and charity - tasked with representing all students who study at the University of the Highlands and Islands (UHI) and its partners.

If you're an enrolled student here, then you are automatically one of our members and we are "Your Students' Association".

We're run by students, for students. We exist to make students' lives better. We want to ensure our members have a strong voice across the University and we do that every year by electing a team of 20 Student Officers to represent the priorities of students and lead our work across the University and also at your local campus.

We also recruit Student Voice Reps - Student Volunteers from across UHI to gather feedback and help develop your academic experience in partnership with the University. If you want to develop your skills and work with others then you could become a Rep today.

We also help support student-led Sports Clubs, Societies and Networks which are student communities driven by the things you want to do including Snowboarding, E-Sports and Drama. We fund, advise and promote their work and if there's not a Club or Society for it, then you can create a new group (Yoga Society? Card Games? Roller Skating?). 

We also have an Advice Service where we can help support you with Academic Issues including complaints, appeals and misconduct to ensure you're well supported if you need help. Your concerns will kept confidential and we're here to ensure you get the best outcome possible for you.

Over the years, we've worked with students on everything from getting new dairy-free options in the campus cafe, to working in partnership on the merging of Academic Partners. We've celebrated the work of Students and Staff at the Students' Association Awards (formerly the HISA Awards) and we've worked with students to organise protests.

In a sentence, if it's something that our students care about - Then we're here to work with them to make it happen.

Finally, some Students' Associations are run by the University but not this one. We are independent from UHI which means that we can represent your voice and still be a critical friend to the University on topics including finance, education, and academic policies.

With our new website, we'll be developing new virtual spaces for students, resources and support for our volunteers, new areas where you can submit ideas for the future and vote on them and receive information from us on how you want to take part in our work.

Our members, and developing their time at UHI, is at the heart of everything we do.