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What do I do if something goes wrong or changes, and this has an effect on my studies?

We know that your studies are only one part of your life. We also understand that matters can come up for anyone unexpectedly and beyond your control, making it harder to study to the best of your ability.

UHI has a duty to all students to ensure that assessments are conducted fairly and that students can demonstrate their true academic performance.

Mitigating Circumstances include, but are not limited to: 

  • Bereavement: For a child, sibling, spouse or partner 
  • Shorter-term medical conditions: Serious personal injury, medical condition or mental health condition 
  • Longer-term medical conditions: Serious worsening or acute episode of an ongoing disability, medical condition or mental health condition 
  • Victim of violent crime: Assault, theft/robbery

The Mitigating Circumstances procedure is how you communicate with UHI about what happened. If your claim for Mitigating Circumstances is granted, your examiners will have more flexibility to handle your marks more favourably.

Mitigating Circumstances can be considered concerning specific assessments or courses, as well as broader issues like progression decisions and degree classification decisions – this includes Further and Higher Education students.

How can the Advice Service support me?

We can help you navigate the policies and procedures to understand what you need to do, including how to submit, what to say, the evidence you can submit, and how your circumstances may be considered.

How do I submit a request for Mitigating Circumstances?

Most students can submit a request via Student Journey (by clicking on the button that says UHI Records on the MyDay dashboard), then clicking on Student Hub, then Forms, and the Mitigating Circumstances option will be found on the page. You can look at the images below for reference.

*Please note that if you are on an SQA programme, you must contact your PAT/PDA directly, as they will need to complete a separate form.

Useful Resources

UHI Mitigating Circumstances Policy & Process

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