About Us

Hello UHI Inverness students! Are you interested in theatre or any aspects? Acting? Tech? Costume? UHI Drama Society is for you!

We will be meeting once a week every Wednesday from 4-6 in the Performance Studio. You don't need to have any experience or even be a drama student - it's all for fun! Come along and find out what we're about. Membership fee is just Pay What You Can so nobody is excluded and all money will go towards funding our Drama Society. If you're unsure, come speak to one of us or pop an email. 

Follow our instagram: https://instagram.com/uhidramasociety?igshid=MzMyNGUyNmU2YQ%3D%3D&utm_source=qr

President: Emily Netherton 
Secretary: Jessica Deigan
Treasurer: John Moar